Showing all 9 results

Flying Ball – Watch that ball flying


Chricozy Flying Orb Ball

Toy Drone

Flying Spinner Mini Drone Ball

Hover Pro


Safe with LED Light

360°Rotating for Birthday Party, Festival,

Kids Adults Indoor Outdoor, Purple

Gel Blaster Gun


Gel Ball Blaster Also known as gel guns, gel shooters, gel markers, hydro markers, hydro blasters or gelsoft. Almost all children like to play with gel blaster, holding gel blaster, in front of the heroes from the TV, it’s so good, if a few small friends are together, playing games, then they will all Spend in happiness.

Jigsaw Puzzle Table – Perfect for a jigsaw or other puzzle


PRIME PUZZLE TABLE SET An incredible design for all things puzzle. Created to form an efficient, enjoyable way to store and assemble your puzzles. Ideal for puzzles up to 1000 pieces. QUALITY DESIGN FOR JIGSAW PUZZLE PIECES The longevity of this puzzle table will exceed your expectations. Quality, durability and safety are prioritised in the …



Grab your set of 8 Star Wars Clone Trooper toy brick figurines. Each Clone Trooper has its own unique design. Included in the set are the N7 Clone Trooper, the Commander Thorn, the Clone Commander Wolffe, 222nd Clone trooper, the Horn Company Clone Trooper, the 327th Clone Trooper, the Kamino Security Clone Trooper and the …

Mini Vending Machine


This mini vending machine is the lolly lovers favourite little storage device. Ideal for storing your tastiest treats on your desk for a little snack when you are at work or studying. Simply pull the knob for the lolly drop. Ideal for M&Ms, Skittles or Maltesers, you can even store it with healthier snacks such …

Neopixel Lightsaber


The Relic Hunter lightsaber is your new cosplay outfit dream accessory. Step into the Star Wars universe with this neopixel lightsaber. Hosting 9 different light options and 16 different sound effects, the Relic Hunter will make you feel like you’ve stepped straight into the Clone Wars. The blade features LED lights running down the length …

Orbeez Gun


Have a literal blast with all your friends with this water gel bullet Orbeez Gun. Shaped like the classic AK47, you will be chasing and shooting your friends at your next party. This lightweight toy will give you and your friends hours of hunting fun. The Orbeez gun comes with 3000 water gel bullets and …

Slush Cup


Turn your favourite beverage into a delicious Slushie! The Slushy Cup uses oxygen based freezing to turn your favourite drinks and beverages from liquid to slush in under 1 Minute! Easy To Use Anyone can make their own slushie anywhere, anytime.  No ice, no blender, just freeze, squeeze, and people of all ages can enjoy …

Zorb Ball


The Zorb Ball is an inflatable bumper ball that will have you bouncing off your friends for hours on end. Grip the handles inside the Zorb Ball for greater bumping control. Try out Zorb Ball soccer as you and your teammates try to score goals whilst evading your bumper ball opponents. The Zorb Ball is …